We Received The Magnet Gold Award!
Together with our customer The Absolut Company we won the first prize for Digital Transformation in Employer Branding at the Magnet Awards in Sweden. The first prize was award for Absolut’s use of our Cultr app in order to break down silos, bridge geographic barriers, involve the whole company in employer branding and building culture.

To get recognition for what our app can do for culture and for employer branding is really cool. To get this in Stockholm where the standards for both employer branding and digital transformation are absolute world class is awesome. The jury’s motivation: “With credibility, a clear strategy and an exemplary implementation, we absolutely love Number 1. Technical tools unite the company’s employee in belonging, culture and emotions. This company has managed to overcome geographical barriers and involves the entire company in the work of Employer Branding and building culture, with an exemplary result as outcome.”
Other nominees and the jury’s motivations can be found at (in Swedish) here.

Interested to know more about how to break down silos and to build culture with the Cultr app? Please contact our sales!
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