We are proud that Cultr and our client The Absolut Company are double finalists in the Business Culture Awards 2019.
The purpose of the awards is, as described on their webpage: “The Business Culture Awards gives forward-thinking organisations a way to celebrate work which sets up their employees to succeed – recognising how their people’s employment experience is fundamental to business performance. Many organisations have created and implemented specific projects which have a positive impact on aspects of their culture – increasing purpose, pride, collaboration or learning by example.”
Cultr is created for companies and organizations who believe that culture is crucial to their success, and who are looking for engaging and scalable methods to make their desired culture come alive.
We are looking forward to the jury’s result which will be revealed on November 14th in London.
Cultr and The Absolut Company are finalists in two categories:

Best Use of Technology & Analytics for Business Culture
Absolut + Cultr
Banfield Pet Hospital
Barclays Internal Audit
Lloyds Banking Group – People Insight & Cost Management
ORCHA Health Ltd
SSCL (Shared Services Connected Ltd)
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Best Employer Brand & Values Initiative for Business Culture
ABM Industries
Absolut + Cultr
OneSavings Bank + Culture Consultancy
In addition, we are excited to that our partner Culture Consultancy is also finalist in two categories with their customer OneSavingsBank.
For the full listing please read more at https://businesscultureawards.com
Raising the bar for culture transformation tools
“We are really trying to raise the bar for culture transformation tools. Culture is getting more and more attention from leaders, as are new tools to help them. First with pulse tools to better understand engagement and culture. Then for tools to transform behaviours and active desired culture. Everyone is looking for more engaging and scalable ways to co-create culture and to walk the talk.”
Cultr founder Michael Daun.
Learn more
Cultr is available on the iTunes App Store and Google Play, but requires an account for your organization. If you are interested in learning more about Cultr, seeing a demo or getting an account, please contact our sales

If you want to stay ahead, please follow us on the new Cultr social media pages.