Cultr as a tool for engaging employees working remotely or working from home
How do you keep your employees engaged when they are working away from the office? What do you do if everyone is bored of video meetings? How do you make sure your organisation and teams remain engaged and continue to contribute to your workplace culture?

Many companies having people working remotely struggle with their company culture. It’s about keeping belonging high, even if only a part of the workforce is in the office on any given day. It’s about sharing and caring within teams. It’s about having a bit of fun in times of loneliness. It’s about finding new ways to let everyone feed the workplace culture with energy, creativity, and unity. It’s about having a consistent company culture.
Cultr’s campaign Remote Work Culture is aimed at helping companies who need to keep engagement and productivity high, even as their managers and teams work from home. It’s for companies and organisations who are proud of their culture, and who look for scalable ways of doing maintaining it when normal town halls, after works, “fikas”, trainings and other get-togethers etc are impossible or difficult to arrange.
The module Remote Work Culture is a campaign intended to run for up to six weeks. It’s designed to address the most common challenges for remote or hybrid organisations: to keep individual and team productivity as high as possible, to keep the organisation together and united, and to inject some fun and energy in the daily life of working from home.

“Companies have learned a lot about hybrid work models or fully remote work, but many still report that their employees feel lonely and have too few connections within the organisation. Virtual AWs struggle to charm. This Remote Work Culture campaign tackles this problem head on. More than just a feature to make a video calls more engaging, it nudges real action and shared experiences related to the desired culture. It brings culture action to remote workspaces.”

Michael Daun, Founder/CEO Cultr
Description of the Remote Work Culture campaign:
Examples of missions in the Remote Work Culture campaign
Campaign: Remote Work Culture
Purpose: Engage in new work situation, stimulate productivity, encourage communication, create a sense of belonging
Challenges: Focus & Productivity; Keep up with teamwork; Fun & Belonging; Staying healthy
Expected outcome: Increased engagement, fun, less loneliness, increased productivity
Target group: Employees and managers working from home, remotely, or in co-working spaces.
Length: 6 weeks
Nr of missions: 48
Price: €2.900 per 100 employees.
Update: The Remote Work Culture is a standardised, ready-to-go campaign that can be started tomorrow. If you have other culture or engagement needs, Cultr can be customised for most desired behaviours. You can also ask us to involve our network of partners, who are people we love because of their work in leadership, culture and engagement. They can help frame Cultr in a wider context.