Do you want your next event, corporate day or kick-off to be your best one ever?
The world’s most exciting tool for shaping culture – Cultr – is also an amazing app for kick-offs and corporate days. You can plan your kick-off around the Cultr app, or let Cultr add a social and gamified experience on top of your event plans.
The multiple awards winning Cultr app has been used for strategy launches, internal conferences, team competitions, scavenger hunts, hackathons, client days or other corporate events. Cultr can be used days or weeks prior to an event to build anticipation, to trigger reflection and for ice breaking. It can turn the event itself into an intense competition between teams, with leaderboards and media streams updated instantly. It can stay on days and weeks afterwards, to make sure insights are turned into action.
Cultr uses challenges and mini-missions to nudge users to actions. These, together with quizzes and surveys, can be customized to the goal of the event. Customising Cultr for a kick-off is usually done in a few days, so even if your event is only a few weeks away, you have time. You can do it by yourself, get your event organiser to do it, or get us or one of partners to help you out.
Using Cultr adds the following to your kick-off:
- High engagement among participants
- Hundreds or thousands of activities before, during or after the event
- Authentic and enthusiastic grass-roots documentation
- Leaderboards for individual or team competitions
- Quizzes, surveys, in-app chat, notifications and much more.
- Analytics on performance

Result of Cultr at a sales event
for an insurance company:
“During two days, we had 311 users
doing 3,292 sales activities, which resulted
in 685 booked sales meetings!”
Cultr is digital, social, scalable, measurable, and most of all: highly engaging! Users express that they really like the app, or even that they love it. This is great to hear but it is also necessary. Without being engaging, no app will work well at events.
There are many tried-and-tested concepts of how to use the Cultr app for kick-offs and corporate events. Contact us today to learn about our campaign Greatest Event, or how it could work uniquely for your event!